Reading Library - OPEN
Look to visit our local book treasury. We have a gathering of publications that will allow you to be caught up in the story. Visit Reading's own library located on Vine Street. Be sure to stop by anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.. If not open, please knock on the door across the street at 17 Vine, Bette Eby will be happy to assist you.
What Kids Want in Books
Children ages 6–17 say “my favorite books are the ones that I have picked out myself.”
Kids ages 6–17 say they want books that “make me laugh.”
Kids also want books that “let me use my imagination” ,
“tell a made-up story” ,
“have characters I wish I could be like because they’re smart, strong or brave” ,
“teach me something new”
“have a mystery or a problem to solve”
Kids that are reading this post, feel free to let us know your choices when it comes to books. We as a community are looking to make books available to you. We need your help in finding the books that interest you. Please contact us through the link button below or write your ideas down and give them to Bette Eby at the library. Happy hunting for those wonderful adventures.

What's inside?